Volunteer Opportunities
All of the good works done by the Sun City Roseville Foundation are done by residents who volunteer their time and energy to improve the quality of life in our community.
Maintenance teams, production of the Annual Fall Event, the SCRF Golf Tournament, preparing and mailing the annual Friends Letter plus other smaller tasks are all due to volunteer efforts.
If you would like to have your name added to our volunteer list please contact Arleeta Krolikowski, Volunteer Coordinator: scrfphones@gmail.com
She will be happy to discuss opportunities with you.
If you would like to join the Home Maintenance Program, please contact Roy Myers, Director of Home Maintenance, at scrfhomeservices@gmail.com
It takes a great deal of effort to do the overall work of the Foundation and we would appreciate your help.
Remember, it has been proven that people’s quality of life AND physical health are improved when they volunteer!!