Our Mission Statement:
“Sunshine Services helps provide services, resources and referrals to assist residents in the tasks of daily living.”

Any Sun City Roseville resident may become a Sunshine Services Volunteer and all of the programs listed in this brochure are in need of ongoing volunteers.
Sunshine Services are coordinated by a 9-member council with the Activities Director as their staff liaison. General meetings are held as needed, but information can be found in monthly Courier articles, on the resident website and in the Resident Membership Directory.
Confidentiality and resident privacy is maintained in providing services stated above. No personal or medical information is shared without the specific consent of the resident receiving a service.
For specific contact information, please see our yellow flyer “We’re Here to Help” located in the Association Bulletin Board.

If you know a resident who is ill, in the hospital, just home from the hospital, recently moved to a care facility or who has lost a spouse or loved one, we will send an appropriate card and resource materials.
EMAIL: dasinc@kingcon.com
The following programs are administered by the dedicated Volunteers of Sunshine Services and funded by the Sun City Roseville Foundation:
Dial-A-Ride Transportation
Roseville’s curb-to-curb bus service provides transportation within the city of Roseville only.
Photo ID’s are required and may be obtained at the Transportation Department at 316 Vernon Street, Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM.
To Purchase Dial-a-Ride tickets by calling 916-886-7008.

Seniors First is a nonprofit senior services organization that strives to keep Placer County senior citizens living independently and comfortably in their own homes as long as possible. We do so by offering free services and utilizing volunteer efforts funded by Area 4 Agency on Aging, local support and tax deductible contributions.
Call (800) 878-9222 ext 216 for information and assistance.
Click the Logo at left to go to their website.
The following programs are available:
Senior Meals and Nutrition
Information and Assistance
Transportation Services
Telephone Reassurance
Living Placement